Re[4]: How to get UNIX DataServer with NLS

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Re[4]: How to get UNIX DataServer with NLS

Post by admin »

Hi Arnd,

Its whats new from previous message

Weve checked this on WNT4 with the "English" language and NLS buttons arent greyed. This only occured when we did this on the Unix box (SPARC Solaris).


What its the TCL prompt? Where can I find it?

Thursday, December 07, 2000, 7:48:30 PM, you wrote:

AW> Marat,

AW> I just received your response, but it only included the texts of the
AW> previous mails - did I miss something and how did the re-install go?

Re-install has gone as usually, nothing unusual. Finally Ive installed NLS with English language and Im working now in this environment. (But NLS is grayed)

AW> -Arnd.

Best regards,