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How to use XMLInput and XMLOutput Stage in DataStage PX 7.0

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:59 am
by Ananda

Can you please explain how to use the XMLInput and XMLOutput Stage in DataStage PX 7.0

I have tried using them with the help provided by DataStage "Help", but still I am finding error.

Please let me know the procedure to use the same.



Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:59 am
by kduke
I posted EtlStats on my web site and on ADN. It uses dsjob -report Project Job XML to get row counts, start and stop times. Do a search I explained it several times. It was based on another post on ADN called DSJobReport. You could download that as well. It is not as complicated.

You do not need to create XML to use these. The dsjob command will do it for you. dsjob is a part of DataStage so this is an easy way to get into XML. This is my only XML work so do not expect me to know much more than how to make this work. It does parse the data 3 times for parameters, row counts and job durations. XML stages are very picky and give strange errors like divide by zero.