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Trying to extract row with certain criteria

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 1:45 am
by ScottDun

I am bringing in 4 sequential files and performing a funnel. An example is shown below of one person with three rows:

ID NAME Stat Code Stat Code Description
17138 TOM 04 ADD'L
17139 TOM 08 PENDING

The files (combined) are 125 rows. I bring this into the transformer stage, where I want to extract all NAMES with a 04 stat code into the next stage.

*If the row doesn't have a 04 code or multiple rows without a 04 code, they will just pass into the next stage*

I tried a constraint but I cannot get it to work. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 12:20 pm
by mouthou
Transformer stage is an option for this scenario and it should work with your constraint. I suspect the format of the input values coming for 'STAT CODE' is not correctly compared.

- Can you can check the actual values just right before the Transformer stage? You may be storing in Integer but comparison is done with '04' etc

- Are you using 'Otherwise' feature for the second output but it shows as the first link on the Output tab?

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 6:25 pm
by chulett
Scott, what was your workaround? If you want to pursue this, I'd be curious what exactly you tried constraint-wise and what did not work about it...