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How to abort job when a string value is in a decimal field?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:04 pm
by Lavanya B

We are getting a string value 'NULL' in a field Col1 from a sequential file. This field needs to be mapped to a decimal field in Oracle as null value. We are using Oracle connector stage as target.

The job is not aborting when we are running this scenario. Zeroes are getting populated in the target Oracle table.

Are there any settings in the Oracle connector stage to abort the job in this case?

We do not want to use "If then else" logic to set the value to null like if Col1='NULL' then SetNull() else Col1. We want the job to abort.

Please help us on this scenario.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:56 am
Feed it to a transformer.

In the transformer, have two output links. On one of the links, have a constraint send the data down if the column value is NULL. Also set the the link properties to abort after one row.