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XML Warnings

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 1:04 pm
by dstager
I have a Job that reads XML messages from MQ Connector. All potential fields/columns are mapped to a target table. However, some elements (most) are nullable and sometimes do NOT appear in the XML (tns header and element text() is missing)...

In this case, Datastage would show a warning:
" [columnname]... in input data set 0 not present in design time information. Extended field properties for this field will not be available."

Is there a way to avoid/resolve this warning?

The field is set as NULLABLE in the XMLInput stage and throughout the transformer to target table.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 1:18 pm
by eostic
It's not clear to me when it exactly is happening. The xmlInput Stage normally does not care if an element or attribute doesn't appear in the incoming document. It simply returns nulls, or in the case of the "repetition element", controls whether you retrieve the node or not.

Please provide more details, a comparison sample snippet of your xml document with and without the element in question, etc. ...whatever details you can.

