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Delay Processing of records

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:05 pm
by ankursaxena.2003

I have a requirement where I am reading MQ. And after I read message, I want the job to hold the message for 30 secs before dumping into oracle table.

MQ Read -------------> Transformer -------------> Oracle table

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:17 pm
by asorrell
Really? That's a requirement? The reason most applications use messaging systems is to get the data securely delivered in near real-time, not to add delays to the delivery.

The only semi-reliable way I could think of that might work would require the records to each be timestamped as they are read from the MQ system. Then you'd have to build a transformer routine that would be called for each record that would take that timestamp as an argument. The routine would determine what the current time is and wait for the required number of seconds before returning. In essence, adding a "sleep" before passing the record downstream.

Warning - jobs that have any sort of "sleep" or "wait on a semaphore" internally are notorious for being difficult to stop cleanly if something goes wrong.

Out of curiosity - could you state why it is supposed to wait 30 seconds?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:37 pm
by ankursaxena.2003
Hi Andy,

Actually I found a logic on dsxchange, but I have to still test it.


And the reason for putting delay is that application sends data to 2 different systems (Java and DataStage). And I depend on getting some data from Java and datastage is processing data faster than java :D .
So I need to put a delay in job of 30 secs.