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multiple lookup condition

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:59 pm
by qutesanju
Lokup condition
In one lookup itself can i put both condition?

(ToLkp.Flag ='INT' And ISNULL (ToLkp.Table_id))
(ToLkp.Flag ='EXT' And ISNULL (ToLkp.Table_id))
so i dont need to use two separate lookups for one for each condition

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:19 pm
by qutesanju
lookups are on same table and i need to get 4 columns from first lookup
and this will get passed to second lookup as input flow
right now i implemented two separate lokup ,but i m not sure why its not retriving the lookup filed(4 columns)
i mapped 4 columns into one flow should i leave them blannk while maping to next lookup?OR how to combine 4 columns from first lookup and 4 columns from 2nd lookup? i know that incoming record will have to pass thru either 1st lookup or 2nd lookup only,so querstion is how to combine/passthru 4 columns from first lookup and 4 columns from second lookup

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:43 pm
by ArndW
The results of one lookup cannot be used as values for another lookup within one lookup stage, you would need to use 2 stages in order to do that.