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Faliure in Sequence

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:12 am
by satadru.kar
Hi Guys,

While running DS jobs through sequences I am getting the following error:

SeqLoadStgToCH_Level20..JobControl (@load_SProdInv): Controller problem: Error calling DSRunJob(load_SProdInv), code=-14
[Timed out while waiting for an event]

SeqLoadStgToCH_Level20 is the sequence name and load_SProdInv is the job name.

Can any body help me out how can I overcome with this problem? We are running arround 7-8 jobs parallel in the sequence and find that it takes arround 59 seconds to get this error. No of physical and logical nodes are 4 in our case.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:19 am
by ArndW

The Search facility for keyword "-14" returns 240 threads on this subject. Add that to the 1-minute wait period and you have your answer.