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ulimits and server restarts

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 8:50 am
by thompsonp
We have a new v11.5 install and all the recommended kernel settings were supposedly made before the installation.

The server was recently rebooted and we saw a message about increasing the open files limit changed from
10240 to 30000 and then after the reboot it became 1024 to 4096.

What is the recommended way of setting limits so that they remain the same after a reboot and should they be set for just the root and dsadm users or any user that we might have configured to run the unix processes resulting from running a DataStage job?

On a previous AIX v8 install the ulimits were set in the dsenv file, but is that still the way to do it on v11.5 on Linux?


Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 10:18 am
by PaulVL
well, I have found that setting it in the dsenv does not solve all of the issues.

I always get the System Admins to edit the default settings on the Hosts. So that EVERY user who logs in to the ETL host has the correct settings by default. It's an ETL box, the tool has a lot of file handles or processes that run as a result.




Those are my two files that I have modified to appropriate values.

Can't really tell you what normal is for you, but 1024 is not. HA

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 7:53 pm
by ray.wurlod
Minimum nofiles for installation is 10240. I tend to use double that, and leave that setting in place.

Since root does not execute dsenv, I also put the ulimit command into /root/.bashrc (initialization file for root - yours may be different).

On RHEL you can use sysctl -w command to update kernel parameter values.