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Sequencer is getting aborted with Code=-99

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:11 pm
Sequencer is getting aborted with Code=-99 [General repository interface 'other error'].

Here is the complete error:

Controller Problem: Error calling DSRunJob(Load_Job_Statistics.Job_Name), Code=-99 [General repository interface 'other error'].

This particular sequencer is calling another sequencer which is running absolutely fine. But once the internal sequencer is finished the Master Sequencer is getting aborted with Code=-99 error.

I searched DSXchange on this error and was able to find an answer on file repository which suggests for an increase in the value of T30FILE configuration. The value we have in the T30 file is 512 which I think is reasonably high.

This error is repeating just for 2 sequencers on regular basis out of 600 sequencers. Rest of the 598 sequencers are running without any issue. All the sequencers are similar in design.

Can anyone assist with this error. Any Suggestions or help will be appreciated.
