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Cross Table analysis differences

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:06 pm
by trainee9999
Hello everyone,

I am new to Ascential ProfileStage. I going through the tutorial and performing the tasks. After accepting the Primary key Analysis, when I try to perform the cross table analysis I get a different result from that is given.

I have considered to profile 3 subject tables. "emp", "emp_territories" and "territories" from the database, "mydatabase1"

Expected result of cross table analysis is that all the 3 table info must be given in the same window under "mydatabase1"

databasename...................tablename................. column name1 .....
__________________|------- emp----------------emp_fname----|
__________________|------- territories--------fname_emp----|

Actual result shows that there is only one table info under "mydatabase1"

Emp review window

column name1
mydatabase----emp | emp_fname |

Emp_territories review window

column name1
mydatabase---Emp_territories | fistname |

territories review window

column name1
mydatabase----emp | fname_emp |

This is actullay holding me from moving further.

Any help would be appreciated.


Cross Table analysis in both directions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:22 pm
by trainee9999

ProfileStage is not able do a complete analysis from both the directions of the relationships when Cross Table analysis is performed.

Still need to figure out how to make it do the complete analysis in both directions.

I have checked all the menu options to see is there is any way to work with all defaults.

I have even tried reloading the metadata in to the logical database and also re-initializing the job several times but did not really solve the problem.

Can anyone please tell me a way to set deafults or to make cross table analysis to do relationship match in both directions.

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:41 pm
by roy
Maybe it's me, but I'm not sure I understand the problem.
PK analisys and acceptance is solely for the DB schema in it's new normalaized form if you need it at the end.
It does not relate to anything more then that as far as I recall.

Did you perform all steps for all the tables you wanted untill cross table anlisys + marked them as reviewed?

Usually best way is to reinitialize all relevant tables and progress all of them together step by step (in case some thing happened along the way).

Did you get a message requesting you reinitialize any tables after you run your cross table analisys? (if so you should have).


Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:38 am
by trainee9999
Hi Guys,

The problem was with installation. For some reason the installation did not go well I feel.

I actually tried to uninstall it but could not as the Profile stage client was not uninstalling. I had to finally request for a freshly configured system.

I followed theinstallation manual and installed the data direct Ascential drivers first and started the installation by installing all the components at once as we were working on a standalone system.

Also we did not have license for multiple servers.

Then it started working well.

Thanks for all the reponses.

Arvind Chenna(Ac)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:34 pm
by Daddy Doma
Came across this old topic whilst investigating my issue and think it would be a good place to start a discussion.

I am running PS across four different tables, each of which contains Employee data. The table schema is exactly the same for three of the tables; data types, column names, etc.

I KNOW that there are instances where the same Employee# is in different tables. But Cross Table Analysis does not show this. It finds evidence for other attributes (Surname, Status, etc.) but not for the Employee#.

Have spent a bit of time rerunning the process - reinitializing, reloading metadata, but nothing...

Employee# has been identified as a Primary Key, but I have not accepted it as a primary key in the step preceeding Cross Table Analysis.

As for setup - it is a local install of ProfileStage on Windows XP SP2 with SQL Server 2005 as the PSDB. I've already noted that this setup is is not supported by IBM/Ascential but hope there may be more advice than this on offer...