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Design Studio - Rule - VALID GET

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:27 pm
by sbalaji9
Hi, Does anybody knows how to use the GET command in the RULE with Retry option , I am trying to get filename and data in to a variable as below. Due to timing issue the map is failing. I know we can use the Retry command but not sure about the syntax. Would be greatly appreciated somebody can tell me. Thanks.


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:36 am
by paul.brett
Perhaps try:

=EITHER(GET("FILE",File1:record derived:834Control),GET("FILE",File1:record derived:834Control),GET("FILE",File1:record derived:834Control),"FILE NOT FOUND"+TEXT(LASTERRORCODE())+LASTERRORMSG())


=EITHER(GET("FILE",File1:record derived:834Control),GET("BAT","Sleep2.cmd")+GET("FILE",File1:record derived:834Control),GET("BAT","Sleep2.cmd")+GET("FILE",File1:record derived:834Control),"FILE NOT FOUND"+TEXT(LASTERRORCODE())+LASTERRORMSG()) introduce a pause between attempts.

Sleep2.cmd contains only the command:

@sleep 2

It seems to work

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:38 am
by paul.brett
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