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getting data from ldap - active directory

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:10 am
by Alex_sp
Hi to all.
Well i'm trying to get some attributes of all users from our ldap.
I'm using JNDI adapter like this:
-url "ldap://user:pass@ip:389/OU=Usuarios,DC=pol,DC=es??sub?(&(cn=*)(ObjectClass=user))"

The result is a XML file with all users with all their attributes (including all values for multievaluated attributes). all right on this way.

-url "ldap://user:pass@ip:389/OU=Usuarios,DC=pol,DC=es?cn,memberOf?sub?(&(cn=*)(ObjectClass=user))"

The result is a XML file with all users with "cn" and "memberOf" attributes ,but in returns only one value (the first and there is four values) for the multievaluated attributte memberOf. There is some way ti get all values from member of on this way?. isn't efficient to get forty attributes for each user when i'm using only two (cn and memberOf).

thanks to all