Timeout of telnet/FTP process

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Timeout of telnet/FTP process

Post by admin »

Is anyone out there? Or has this connection timed out :-)

We are using an FTP plugin stage to get data from a remote INGRES database. We use a before command (Telnet) to run a script which:

Replaces placeholders in an extract template with job parameters.

This template is basically COPY tablename (columns delimiter null char....) into extractfile command.

Runs the script having attached to the database to.
Runs a sed command to create a tempfile with column headers Runs a sed command to remove unwanted spaces in the from the extractfile (saves 70%) into a tempfile Replaces the extractfile with thetemp file.

What we find happens is that sometimes, the ftp stage starts transferring the extractfile before it has been replaced with the staged tempfile.

I suspect some type of timeout. Does anyone have any ideas as to where we may find this. In DataStage/UNIX etc?

Phil Walker
DataStage Consultant
Project Clarity
Carter Holt Harvey Forests
DDI: 96094
MOD: 025 835 197
EMAIL: phil.walker@chh.co.nz