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Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 10:38 am
by kjanes
If everything is installed correctly, as you note in the DataStage forum mentions, check this =>

For the Job you are interested in, make sure you do a "process Analysis (via right mouse-click) on the job that has "MetaStage" as it's Creation Model. If you have Job 123, check to see if there are 2 entries in your metadata repository. One with a DataStage creation model and one with a MetaStage creation model. If you do process analysis on Job 123 that was created with the MetaStage creation model, it should work. Process metadata is specific to the MetaStage model (if I recall correctly).

As a test to see if you are getting any process metadata, you can go to <Edit><Find> and slect the "MetaStage" view and the class "Activity". Execute the find to show any and all process metadata activity.

Kevin Janes