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Migrating 9.1 SDKSequences between environments

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:37 am
by jreddy
In V9.1, SDKSequences is not a file but a hash file (meaning it has a folder with OVER.30 and DATA.30 files) - how do we migrate this file across environments. For example when we have a production data refresh into development, then we will need to bring the SDKSequences from prod to dev as well. I zipped up the folder and brought it into DEV, but get the following error message when i run a job that calls the KeyMgtGetNextValue routine that uses the SDKSequences..

"An operating system file already exists with the name "SDKSequences".

Any one had this issue before.. any suggestions are appreciated


Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:36 am
by chulett
Remove the directory you copied over. Run the KeyMgtGetNextValue routine so that it creates an empty one properly with the VOC entry and everything else it needs. Then copy your copy back over the top of what it created.

You could 'test' the routine to run it, no need for a job to do that.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:59 am
by jreddy
Thanks Craig, thats exactly how we used to do it when it was a static hash file.

Now, not sure what the issue is, but I did not see the SDKSequences folder in DEV in the first place, second - when i click on routine, cannot TEST it, cannot insert new rows in the TEST window.. to click Run or Run All and test.. so i ran a job that invokes this routine, and get the error message as posted in the original question..

Since that didn't work, i brought the folder from production and then tried to run the job that invokes this routine, and again get the same error message

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:41 am
by jreddy
Just for the benefit of folks that might have same issue, am posting the resolution i found that seemed to work for me, in the case of this particular error message.
All I did was run this first:

CREATE.FILE SDKSequences 2 1 1

And then wrote a job to read the tables and get the max values of keys and assign. This job can hopefully be run in development every time there is a refresh.