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Different behaviour GUI versus command line

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:45 pm
by I_Server_Whale
Hi all,

I need to execute this command through the "Execute_Command" activity stage in a job sequence. This command is generated on the fly in the job sequence and needs to be executed at very end of it . Here is the command:

Code: Select all

H:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\DSEngine\bin\dsjob -domain ukatrema4520 -server ukatrema4501 -user nemadronavalli -password xxyyzz -run -param RTParamList="$pMFSS=DTCA,$pLoadCycleID=769,$pProcessCycleID=663,$pStepID=112" -param RTFilePath=J:\Data\DTCA\ParamFiles -param RTFileName=DTCA_769_663_112.txt -param $pMFSS=DTCA -param $pLoadCycleID=769 -param $pProcessCycleID=663 WTR_Prototype JSeq_GCI_Master_JobSequence_DT
When run through the director, I get the below error:

Code: Select all

Output from command ====>
Invalid arguments: dsjob -run 
[-paramfile <filename>] 
[-param <name>=<value>] 
[-warn <n>] 
[-rows <n>] 
[-opmetadata <TRUE | FALSE>] 
<project> <job|jobid> 

Status code = -9999 DSJE_DSJOB_ERROR 
But when I run the same command at the command line as shown below, it executes successfully which to me is very strange.

Code: Select all

H:\>H:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\DSEngine\bin\dsjob -domain ukatrema4520 -server ukatrema4501 -user nemadronavalli -password xxyyzz -run -param RTParamList="$pMFSS=DTCA,$pLoadCycleID=769,$pProcessCycleID=663,$pStepID=112" -param RTFilePath=J:\Data\DTCA\ParamFiles -param RTFileName=DTCA_769_663_112.txt -param $pMFSS=DTCA -param $pLoadCycleID=769 -param $pProcessCycleID=663 WTR_Prototype JSeq_GCI_Master_JobSequence_DT

Status code = 0

Any idea what's going on? Any inputs are greatly appreciated.
I also tried writing this command into file using the job sequence but the double-quote charcters for the parameter RTParamList in the above pasted command went missing in the file. :(

Environment: IS 8.1 FP1 on Windows Server 2003.