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AVI-REST Service

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:57 am
by dj

We are working on a RealTime Service which calls the AVI stage.

Are there any better ways to increase the response from QS end.

Internally, how does AVI stage parses the files ? Does it places everytime in memory to scan the files and get the output. the files are currently in NAS mount due to huge space(using world files).

Like In Memory Sql Db options, are there any better ways the files can be placed or AVI stage to be configured that would increase the performance.


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:50 am
by qt_ky
We used to have that module. We found that on average it did around 70 disk reads per record (for each individual ISD request).

An IBM technote exists with some tips on how to improve the AVI performance. Unfortunately none if the suggestions helped our situation.

I tried putting the reference files on solid state drives and surprisingly that didn't help either. I hope someone else will have some tips that work.